Our Boundary-Based Management methods are systemic, dynamic and based on the laws of aerodynamics
Designed by founder Shlomo Haviv, InAccord models its software and management systems theory on the “flight envelope” of a plane. We use this as a model for the “performance envelope” of your business operations. It applies to the design, deployment and the management of resources, capabilities and capacities as well as all process & flows.
Most treat complexity as if it is a frog that needs dissecting, and therefore killed first, in order to understand what makes it a frog. And then they try making it a more efficient Frog…
In other words, by breaking down a complex system and analyzing its parts, we think it would simplify and better control it. This thinking though, is a fundamental misunderstanding of complexity itself, or how to handle it.
Complexity can only be viewed & addressed from the boundary of the business entity. That’s the premise of Boundary Based Management.

Boundary (n): The point at which something ends & beyond which it becomes something else.
In summer 2009, the Harvard Business Review wrote in “The 10-trends you have to watch”:
“…The world saw the folly of the reliance on financial models that assumed economic rationality, linearity, equilibrium, and bell-curve distributions. As recession unfolded, it became clear that the models had failed badly. …”
At InAccord we have realized that the world is dynamic, unpredictable and generally messy. We have long seen that traditional management education lacks the tools to address the dynamics nature of most businesses and that it prevents any business from ever achieving its full performance potential. Even the more successful organizations lack the needed internal adaptive mechanism that would provide enough agility to survive and thrive in turbulent market conditions. Eventually these businesses crash and burn.
Boundary-Based Management was founded on the principles of physics that explain unpredictable, dynamic and turbulent environments. It teaches that all organizations are enclosed dynamic flow systems where turbulence is the norm – not the exception. Therefore, all organizations abide by the same basic laws of nature and engineering principles that rule the behavior of other such systems: aircrafts, liquids-in-flow, traffic-flow, electronic circuits, etc.
Boundary-Based Management adapts the engineering concepts involved in the flight of Airplanes as the Management Strategy for the organization. It teaches how to optimize your operations, just like a high performance fighter plane, and utilize your organization’s full flight performance envelope. Managing the organization becomes a dynamic-adaptive interaction between the manager, the business and its environment. Managers learn how to pilot their Business-Craft in any market and economic condition.
Lastly one must take note that when speaking of business-performance, we use the word “optimize” – not, what has unfortunately become the common business term: “maximize”. In the real world, “to maximize” is a temporary, singular point, which is unsustainable, energy draining and cost-prohibitive for any business organization. You “maximize” things with minimal dependencies that only need to perform once – not continuously. A bomb, for instance…
Boundary-Based Management and Systems will dramatically improves and optimizes your organization’s overall Performance Envelope. Your business will achieve reliable profit and Return-On-Investment (ROI) despite the unpredictable nature of its processes and its environment.